LIPA-α-syn aggregates (red) are localized next to α-actin (blue) in COS-7 cells (actin, orange) revealed by super resolution microscopy
(Leica 3DX TCS SP8-STED Microscope. Depletion laser at 562nm and 775nm. Pixel size of 15nm.)
Prize and awards
(2024) GBA1 Canada meeting - First prize for the best trainee asbtract (best out of 60)
Funding agency: The Neuro - McGill university, Montreal, CANADA.
Amount: $10,00.(2024) Journées de la recherche CHU de Quéebec 2024 - Prize for the excellence of the talk (best talk out of 10)
Funding agency: CHU de Québec - Université Laval, Québec, CANADA. Amount: $300.(2024) National photo contest ACFAS (Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences) - La Preuve par l'image: Photo selected for the national scientific contest.
Funding agency: ACFAS, Montreal, CANADA.(2024) Photo contest Research Day NeuroQuébec 2024 - 1st prize.
Funding agency: NeuroQuébec, Québec, CANADA. Amount: $250.(2024) Photo contest Neuroforum 2024 - 1st prize.
Funding agency: Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec, Axe Neurosciences, Québec, CANADA. Amount: $200.

(2023) Soirée des découvertes - Prix découverte: Catégorie étudiant étoile
Funding agency: CRCHU-ULaval, Québec, Canada. Amount: Recognition as a "rising star student".(2023) 11eme Journée du Département de Médecine Moléculaire - Prize for the excellence of the talk.
Funding agency: Université Laval, département de médecine moléculaire, Québec, Canada. Amount: $500.(2023) Travel award for the CAN-ACN 2023
Funding agency: NeuroQuébec, Québec, CANADA. Amount: $250.(2023) Photo contest CÉNS spring 2023 - 1st prize.
Funding agency: Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec, Axe Neurosciences, Québec, CANADA. Amount: $50.(2023) Photo contest Neuroforum 2023 - 2nd prize.
Funding agency: Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec, Axe Neurosciences, Québec, CANADA. Amount: $150.
Total cumulated prizes and awards (2019-2023): $7,110.

(2022) 10eme Journée du Département de Médecine Moléculaire - Prize for the excellence of the talk.
Funding agency: Université Laval, département de médecine moléculaire, Québec, Canada. Amount: $250.(2022) Photo contest ACCEM summer 2022 - 2nd prize.
Funding agency: Association des Chercheuses et Chercheurs Étudiant à la Faculté de Médecine de l'Université Laval (ACCEM), Université Laval, Québec, CANADA.
Amount: $100.(2022) Photo contest Neuroforum 2022 - 2nd prize ex-aequo.
Funding agency: Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec, Axe Neurosciences, Québec, CANADA. Amount: $100.
Total cumulated prizes and awards (2019-2022): $6,160.

(2021) Youth scholarship.
Funding agency: Fondation Desjardins, Québec, CANADA.
Amount: $1,000.(2021) 2021 Seminars of the Neurosciences Axis - 1st prize for the best oral presentation (1 out of 14). Funding agency: Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec, Axe Neurosciences, Québec, CANADA. Amount: $300.
(2021) Travel Award - CAN-ACN 2021 Pandemic Waiver.
Funding agency: Canadian Association for Neuroscience (CAN), Québec, CANADA.
Amount: $60.(2021) Bourse de réussite de l'examen de prédoctorat (30PRED).
Funding agency: Université Laval, Québec, CANADA.
Amount: $800.(2021) Journées de l'Axe Neuroscience (Three Minutes Thesis format) - 1st prize.
Funding agency: Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec, Axe Neurosciences, Québec, CANADA.
Amount: $350.
Total cumulated prizes and awards (2019-2021): $5,710.

(2020) Photo contest Neuroforum 2021 - 1st prize.
Funding agency: Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec, Axe Neurosciences, Québec, CANADA. Amount: $200.
(2020) Youth scholarship.
Funding agency: Fondation Desjardins, Québec, CANADA.
Amount: $1,000.
Total cumulated prizes and awards (2019-2020): $3,200.

(2019) Doctoral admission scholarship.
Funding agency: Université Laval, Québec, CANADA.
Amount: $2,000.
Grants, fellowships and scholarships
(2022) Bourses de Mérite (Persévérance et engagement) de 3e cycle Desjardins 2022. Local scholarship attritubuted to support my determination and my engagement within the community. My application was retained alongside with 7 others amongst more than 800 applications.
Funding agency: Caisse Desjardins de Limoilou, Québec CANADA.
Amount: $1,500.

(2022) Mensa Canada Scholarship Program 2022. National scholarship attritubuted to support my research project and my achievements. My application was retained amongst the 3 winners over more than a thousand applications.
Funding agency: Mensa CANADA, Montréal, CANADA. Amount: $1,000.

(2022-2025) Fonds de Recherche Québec Santé (FRQS) Doctoral scholarship. Federal scholarship attributed to support my research project: Interplay between the endolysosomal system and protein aggregation in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease.
Funding agency: Fonds de Recherche Québec Santé, Québec, CANADA.
Amount: $49,000

(2022) Bourse Parkinson Région Québec Chaudière-Appalaches. Regional Scholarship attributed to support my research on the interplay between the endolysosomal system and protein aggregation in Parkinson's Disease.
Funding agency: Parkinson Québec Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec CANADA.
Amount: $5,000.

(2020-2021) Bourses de formations Desjardins, bourse prestige Didier-Mouginot. Local Scholarship, first application retained for the project: Lever le voile sur le rôle du système endolysosomal dans la pathogenèse de la maladie de Parkinson. Funding agency: Fondation du CHUQ, Québec, CANADA.
Amount: $10,000. (covered by the press).